Heroes of Chiswick Memorial regilding and remembrance service on 8th November 2015

Since this time last year we have been fundraising in order to have the names of the 33 men on the memorial in church regilded, since with the passage of time they had become faded and dull.

We are delighted that thanks to the generosity of various individuals we have raised sufficient funds to allow the necessary work to be undertaken.  The results can be seen in the photograph on the right hand side of the home page.

Needless to say, the accompanying memorial panel on the opposit pillar now looks rather shabby so our next efforts will be to raise funds in order to have it regilded too - hopefully by 2018 in time for the centenary of the cessation of hostilities in 1918.

Meanwhile, we are especially pleased that it has been possible to have the regilding of the men's names completed in time for the Remembrance Day service this year which will be held at 10.55 am on Sunday 8th November.